Information for Faculty

SI is set up to be a voluntary program that supports students’ out-of-class learning. By design, students should participate based on their motivation to enhance their course understanding. Disclosing student participation to course instructors may inhibit students’ intrinsic desire to seek support, may alternatively lead students to perceive SI as an incentivized opportunity for grade improvement, and inadvertently bias instructors’ evaluation of students’ course performance. In each of these instances, the productive learning environment SI strives to foster can be compromised, and the overall effectiveness of SI can be negatively impacted.

SI is not intended to create additional work for faculty. You can support SI by granting time for occasional in-class announcements and support the program by encouraging students to take advantage of SI. Faculty should avoid the suggestion that only those who do poorly will benefit.

Additionally, we encourage you to:

• Assist us in selecting and approving candidates for SI leaders for your subject
• Mentor your SI leader through weekly meetings/checking-in about content competency and session planning
• Respect the non-disclosure of session participants by not asking your leader for attendance records or attending sessions
• Avoid offering incentives for SI participation
• Communicate with the CSA regarding concerns and questions about SI leaders’ performance and SI sessions

The SI leader will attend all class meetings; maintain a professional attitude about matters such as class standards, grades, and student complaints; discourage students from attending SI as a substitute for class; share SI materials with the cooperating faculty member before use, if possible; and provide feedback to the cooperating faculty member if requested to do so. Instructors are encouraged to ask leaders for general input on student usage throughout the semester, but requests for attendance lists and/or session visits should be avoided.

The SI coordinator(s) will cooperate with faculty in selecting candidates for SI leaders and place leaders only with the approval of the cooperating faculty member. We train all SI leaders according to established guidelines and standards; monitor the activities and presentations of SI leaders, help plan sessions and supervise their performance; provide supplies, training, in-service experiences, and consultations for SI leaders.

We also offer guidance and support for faculty working with SI leaders. If an instructor has questions about the program, please contact us at or visit us in the SI: PASS Room in Singleton Hall, Room #231.

It would be beneficial to receive feedback from students before the end-of-term evaluations.

SI can improve interactions with students during class. SI can increase the number of students who succeed and continue through the course sequence. SI will enhance students' understanding of essential concepts.

SI faculty can work closely with and mentor high-achieving students could be an essential strategy for improving outcomes.

SI targets historically tricky subjects. In other words, this subject contains content that students consider challenging. SI is designed to support faculty teaching and is assigned to an issue because of what is being taught, not because of how it is being taught.

Classes are picked from the DFW list (courses holding the most grade letters D, F, and Withdrawals). Additionally, a 100-level course takes priority over a 400-level course because of the higher course population.