Career Exploration and Assessment

What do you want to do? Where do you want to work?  What are your career goals? If you are not sure what you would like to do after college or what you would like to major in, utilize the following resources to get you started in exploring your career path.

Career Assessment

Take the following free career assessments to discover your interests, skills, and strengths.  Career assessments will help you to determine what careers people have with similar skills, abilities or attributes.  After taking an assessment,   contact career services and an advisor will assist you in reviewing and understanding (interpreting) your results.   Save your results and bring them with you to the career advisor!

  • O*NET Careers Interest Inventory – Helps you identify your work-related interests, focuses career search activities and helps you link your vocational interests to the O’NET-SOC Occupations. (Free)
  • HOLLAND'S Code (or RIASEC marker) –Are you Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Entrepreneurial or Conventional?  Take this assessment and see what is your RIASEC marker! (Free)
  • Self-Directed Search (SDS) - The SDS is a simple, self-administered, and self-scored instrument.  It identifies occupational areas you may want to explore and provides immediate results. (Fee)

Career Exploration

  • Informational Interviews:  Interview or meet with someone in your career field of interest.  Find out what their job/career is like on a day-to-day basis, how they advanced in their career and if this is something you want to do. 
  • Job Shadow:  This is an opportunity to shadow someone in their job for the day.  Contact Career Services about coordinating a job shadowing opportunity. 
  • "What can I do with this major?"

Career Action Plan