Alumni Weekend 2022

Whether you graduated 5, 10, 20, or 50 years ago, celebrate with!  This year we honor the graduation classes in years ending in “2” and “7,”  with special recognition to the Golden Trojan Class of 1972.  

There will be opportunities to reconnect with old friends, recapture fond memories and hear campus updates from the VSU Administration.    

Registration Here


Golden Class Announcement:

Join us for Spring Commencement on May 14th, 2022! To celebrate our golden classes, graduates of 1972, 1971, 1970 a Continental Breakfast will be served at 7 am in the upstairs foyer at the Virginia State University Multi-Purpose Center. Commencement will begin promptly at 9:00 am. 

If you wish to participate, ladies, please wear white. Gentlemen, please wear dark suits. To RSVP please email Adrian Bond at no later than May 9th.




Thursday, May 12

Class of 1970 & 1971 Reunion Luncheon 



Gateway Dining & Event Center (2nd Floor) 


Thursday, May 12

Trojan Welcome Back Barbecue

President’s House 


Friday, May 13

VSUAA Annual Meeting

Gateway Dining & Event Center (1st Floor) 


Friday, May 13

President’s Luncheon and “2’ & “7” Reunion Celebration

Gateway Dining & Event Center (2nd Floor) 


Friday, May 13

Trojan Night in White  

Appomattox Overlook 


Saturday, May 14 

Spring 2022 Commencement   

VSU Multi-Purpose Center


Alumni News

Alumni News

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