
Chief Academic Officer:

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is the University’s chief academic officer responsible for the administration and advancement of the University’s academic programs and services. 

To these ends, the Provost is immediately responsible for the intellectual life of the University, including the academic quality and vision toward the development and ongoing enhancement of teaching, scholarship and service. Operationally, these obligations comprise recruitment, retention, and development of the faculty and staff; offering highly effective, competitive academic programs; propagation of the University’s research agenda; management and oversight of the budget; implementation of policies, procedures; conceptualization and planning, and assessment models.

Our Programs:

Our goal is to strategically establish and enhance academic programs to deliver distinctive, responsive and innovative offerings that effectively prepare leaders and scholars to meet the demands of a global society and workforce. 

VSU offers a comprehensive range of academic opportunities that cater to various interests and career paths. We offer 64 academic degree programs including 36 undergraduate degree programs, 17 graduate degree programs, two doctoral degree programs, and nine certificate programs offered via six academic colleges (College of College of Agriculture, Reginald F. Lewis College of Business, College of Education, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Natural and Health Sciences).


The mission of the Division of Academic Affairs is to provide leadership in cultivating innovative practitioners and lifelong learners, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

This is accomplished by fostering intellectual curiosity and a passion for discovery through demanding academic programs, experiential learning opportunities, and cutting-edge research.