
2023-24 Faculty Service-Learning Mini-Grant Awardees

Service-Learning is a pedagogy that combines learning goals and community service in ways that can enhance both student growth and the common good.  To quote Janet S. Eyler and Dwight E. Giles, Jr., it is

“a form of experiential education where learning occurs through a cycle of action and reflection as students. . . seek to achieve real objectives for the community and deeper understanding and skills for themselves. In the process, students link personal and social development with academic and cognitive development. . . experience enhances understanding; understanding leads to more effective action.”

Typically, Service-Learning is incorporated into a course or series of courses by way of a project that has both learning and community action goals.  This project is designed via collaboration between faculty and community partners, such as non-governmental organizations or government agencies.  The project asks students to apply course content to community-based activities.  This gives students experiential opportunities to learn in real world contexts and develop skills of community engagement, while affording community partners opportunities to address significant needs.

Faculty and Student Development Service-Learning Opportunities at VSU

Faculty Development Opportunities for Service-Learning  
Peer Mentoring Sessions 
Community Dialogue Sessions 
Faculty Curricular Mini-grants 
Departmental Community- engaged Mini-projects 
Public Scholarship/ Community- based Research Grants 
Service- Learning Conference support

Student Development Opportunities for Service-Learning  
Course-based Service-Learning 
Student Civic Fellowships 
Service-Learning Conference support

Academic Department Opportunities to Engage in Service-Learning  
Engaged Learning Award for Honors (ELAH) Service-Learning Liaisons (a partnership with the Honors College)

What are the Benefits of Service-Learning

The items below outline the many benefits of Service-Learning for students, faculty, community partners, and institutions of higher education that support such work. 

Contact Information

Anne-Marie Turnage


  • Positive impact on students’ academic learning
  • Improves students’ ability to apply what they have learned in “the real world”
  • Positive impact on academic outcomes such as demonstrated complexity of understanding, problem analysis, problem-solving, critical thinking, and cognitive development
  • Improved ability to understand complexity and ambiguity


  • Greater sense of personal efficacy, personal identity, spiritual growth, and moral development
  • Greater interpersonal development, particularly the ability to work well with others, and build leadership and communication skills


  • Reduced stereotypes and greater inter-cultural understanding
  • Improved social responsibility and citizenship skills
  • Greater involvement in community service after graduation


  • Connections with professionals and community members for learning and career opportunities
  • Greater academic learning, leadership skills, and personal efficacy can lead to greater opportunity


  • Stronger relationships with faculty
  • Greater satisfaction with college
  • Improved graduation rates

  • Satisfaction with the quality of student learning 
  • New avenues for research and publication via new relationships between faculty and community 
  • Providing networking opportunities with engaged faculty in other disciplines or institutions 
  • A stronger commitment to one’s research 

  • Improved institutional commitment to the curriculum
  • Improved student retention
  • Enhanced community relations

  • Satisfaction with student participation
  • Valuable human resources needed to achieve community goals
  • New energy, enthusiasm and perspectives applied to community work
  • Enhanced community-university relations