A compliance program is a comprehensive program that helps organizations and their employees conduct operations and activities ethically, with the highest level of integrity, and in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Compliance culture is more than employees following the rules of an organization and receiving consequences for delinquent behavior. Compliance culture is a culture in which employees not only understand and follow an organization's rules but are empowered as stakeholders to use their experiences, expertise and institutional knowledge to develop more creative, efficient and proficient ways to comply with rules.
Institutional integrity is a philosophy to describe the alignment of an institution’s purpose and mission with its practices, i.e., operational and programmatic activities.
The are several benefits to having a compliance program at VSU, including but not limited to: proactive protection for the University against financial, legal, and reputational harm; existence of a centralized source for information and guidance on compliance obligations; increased employee morale due to awareness of the University’s commitment to integrity and ethical standards in its operations; increased transparency and accountability throughout the University; and enhanced operational efficiency
Ethical conduct is behavior guided by principles of fairness, equity, integrity, and respect. Ethical conduct also conforms to standards of conduct, especially standards of a profession, that are consistent with laws, regulations, and policies.
While the OIIC serves as the University’s liaison to the Office of the Attorney General and University Counsel, the OIIC does not provide legal advice.
To report a compliance concern, please contact our office at (804) 524–5255 or compliance@vsu.edu.
No. If you report a compliance concern in good faith, then you should do so free of intimidation, harassment, discrimination, or adverse employment consequences. Any University employee who retaliates against another for reporting a compliance concern in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including termination.
Compliance at VSU