Common Acute Ailments
Here is a listing of common ailments experienced by students. For more information, click on the name of the ailment.
Common Cold: The common cold is an upper respiratory infection caused by any one of over 300 viruses.
Meningitis: Meningitis is an inflammation of the linings of the brain and spinal cord caused by either viruses or bacteria.
Mono: Infectious mononucleosis ("mono" for short) is a viral infection that affects lymph nodes ("glands").
Pink Eye: "Pink eye" (conjunctivitis) is an inflammation and redness of the conjunctiva (the layer of blood vessels covering the white part of the eye).
Sore Throat: A sore throat is an inflammation of the throat caused by either viruses or bacteria.
Sleep: While getting enough sleep is important, so too is the quality of sleep. If you haven't had a "good night's rest" you may have trouble operating at your peak during the day.
Stress: Tension (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense.
Upset Stomach: Term used to describe those symptoms accompanying the inflammation of the stomach or intestines.
Urinary Infection: A condition that occurs when bacteria from outside the body get into the urinary tract and cause infection and inflammation.
Flu: Acute viral infection of the respiratory tract caused by one of three strains of influenza virus (A, B, and C).