If I am raped, what should I do?

Student Guide to Responding to Sexual Misconduct and Assault

Confidential Counseling & Support

  • University Counseling Center 804-524-5939/ Memorial Hall 4th Floor
  • Student Health Services 804-524-5711 / Memorial Hall Ground Floor
  • United Campus Minister 804-524-5214 / Foster Hall 3rd Floor
  • Off-Campus 24/7 The James House Crisis Line 804-458-2840
  • Off-Campus Chesterfield Domestic &Sexual Violence Resource Center 804-318-8265

Medical Attention

  • Student Health Services Memorial Hall Ground Floor/ 804-524-5711
  • VCU Medical Center / Forensic Nurse Examiner 24hr. 804-828-5250
  • St. Mary's Hospital/ Forensic Nurse Examiner 24hr. 804-285-2011
  • Southside Regional Medical Center 804-765-5000

Student Reporting Options

  • Title IX Coordinator/Rm.101 Virginia Hall/804-524-1007/804-524-5090 Oversees the process in handling all matters involving sexual harassment and sexual violence to ensure compliance.
  • Student Conduct / Foster Hall Rm.308 / 804-524-5504 Provides options for filing a formal complaint and/or connecting with local law enforcement. Oversees student hearing process.
  • Sexual Assault Coordinator/Rm.401 Memorial Hall/804-524-6942 Provides information about on/off campus options for filing complaints and supportive resources.
  • VSU Police & Public Safety/21012ServiceRd./804-524-5360/524-5411 Assists with obtaining medical attention; provides information about on/off campus options for filing formal complaints. Assists in connecting with local law enforcement to pursue a criminal complaint.

For more information about resources, policies, and services, visit the Sexual Assault Prevention
webpage at www.vsu.edu/go/sexual-assault.

This project was supported by Grant No. 2012-WA-AX-0014  awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.”