LeadHERship Institute 

The Institute is designed to enhance the unique skills, perspectives, and abilities of women to lead in a rapidly changing higher education environment. The Institute will promote the development of current and emerging female leaders in higher education through its LeadHERship development program.    

Build supportive networks where strategies and solutions can be generated and shared

Step beyond the traditional areas of career advancement and self-empowerment

Disrupt the current ideas of what women should do and focus on what women can do

Apply the acquired knowledge to support others on campus and to enhance their leadership skills 

Provide a forum where women  can share the importance of their value in their respective roles and their contributions to Virginia State University

Reimagine Leadership in the 21st century at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and the Impact of Women in Their Evolution 

Mentoring opportunities can provide the following benefits
  • Structured partnerships between an experienced staff member and a new employee.
  • Emotional bond with the mentee.
  • Greater experience than the mentee.
  • Support, guidance, and opportunities to help youth succeed in life and meet their goals.
  • Equipping people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they need to develop them and become more effective.
  • Opportunity to look outside your usual network and potentially connect with someone very different from you.
  • Different perspectives and approaches.
  • Reciprocal and collaborative at-will relationship that most often occurs between a senior and junior employee for the purpose of the mentee’s growth, learning, and career development.

  • Attending industry-specific speaking engagements, seminars, or lectures
  • Participating in roundtable events or mixers
  • Conducting informational interviews

The Institute is designed to enhance the unique skills, perspectives, and abilities of women to lead in a rapidly changing higher education environment. The Institute will promote the development of current and emerging female leaders in higher education through its LeadHERship development program.  

For more information

Coaching can help strengthen leaders, uncover blind spots, and change behaviors that directly impact business results. It’s an excellent way to support leaders who are transitioning into a new role or taking on bigger responsibilities in the organization.