Our Why

Our inaugural Women Leaders @ HBCUs Conference 2024 kicks off with the theme: Straightening Our Crowns to Cultivate Transformative Leaders: Unsung Heroines of HBCUs.

By empowering the voices of HBCU heroines, the Women’s LeadHERship Institute aims to illuminate the transformative leadership and indomitable spirit of women trailblazers within Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Through collaboration, celebration, and candid dialogue, we hope to inspire leaders of today and tomorrow to straighten their crowns and elevate the legacy of excellence and resilience inherent in the HBCU community.

We endeavor to create and nurture a world where the contributions and leadership of HBCU’s unsung heroines are universally celebrated as we believe our journeys are integral to the tapestry of global leadership narratives. By amplifying our stories and highlighting our unwavering spirit, we aim to galvanize a generation; thus, ensuring that every aspiring woman leader steps gracefully into her power, wears her crown with pride, and possesses an unyielding commitment to positive change.


Early-Bird registration begins now through May 22. During this time, the conference fee is $1,000 for individuals and $900 per person for groups of five or more.  

The regular registration begins May 23 and ends when capacity is met. During this period, the conference fee is $1,250 for individuals and $1,100 per person for groups of five or more. 

Register today!

Contact Us

For more information about the conference, please contact Dr. Linda Noel-Batiste at lnoel-batiste@vsu.edu or (804) 524-7027.