Quality Enhancement Plan
We are grateful and happy that we are back to in-person learning.
One important initiative at VSU disrupted by the difficulties of the last two years was the launch of BOLT, our quality enhancement plan (QEP). BOLT: Becoming Outstanding Leaders of Tomorrow aims to equip VSU graduates with leadership skills and experiences by infusing leadership competencies throughout the curriculum and nurturing a culture that manifests leadership learning into campus activity.
The initiative is a key component of the VSU 2020-2025 Strategic Plan as described under Priority# 2; Strategic Action 2.5: To implement leadership programs that promote civic engagement and prepare globally competitive leaders and scholars.
During the 2021/22 academic year, we will begin the process of collecting baseline data, and surveying BOLT components that are already being piloted by a number of colleges. We will post periodic updates and associated documentation to this site.
For more information please contact:
Laban K. Rutto, PhD
Professor of Horticulture & QEP Director
Virginia State University
Petersburg, VA 23806
Email: lrutto@vsu.edu