Masters Degree Programs

Welcome to the College of Graduate Studies!

The primary purpose of our graduate programs is to provide tools to advance in your studies and/or career and opportunities to conduct research in your field of specialization. Through our 2 Doctoral degree programs, 12 Master’s degree programs, and 2 certificate programs, we seek to assist you in achieving an advanced level of understanding and competence necessary for successful professional careers. We provide high quality graduate and outreach programs that are responsive to the needs of individuals and groups within our scope of influence. The College of Graduate Studies facilitates research opportunities for Virginia State University's students. If your focus is on an educational experience that promotes excellence in achievement, a graduate education at Virginia State University is your best choice, because “Greater Happens Here.” We encourage you to become a part of our family and take the next step in your academic and professional journey. 

Important Dates Graduate AssistantshipIRB Information

Message from the Interim Dean College of Graduate Studies

Dr. M. Omar Faison

Dr. M. Omar Faison
Interim Dean College of Graduate Studies

Dr. M. Omar Faison

Dr. M. Omar Faison
Interim Dean College of Graduate Studies

Message from the Interim Dean College of Graduate Studies

I extend a warm welcome to incoming and returning students this academic year. Graduate studies are for post-baccalaureate students who are dedicated to a focused path of research and hard work. It is my desire to see our students successfully accomplish their personal and educational goals. As you take this journey through Graduate Studies, remember that you are not on this path alone. The possibilities are limitless when you invest in yourself as a student and professional. Though there may be obstacles, remain focused on the end goal. At VSU, your Greater Happens Here!
Admitted Students

Admitted Students

Congratulations! Welcome to Virginia State University. We are here to provide newly admitted students all the information they need to have a successful transition to college. It is our goal to ensure your acceptance stays in effect and you are ready to begin your first semester at VSU.

Contact us

We are located in the Graduate Studies and Sponsored Research House at 2118 Hayden Dr. on the campus of Virginia State University. View the campus map.

Phone: 804-524-3692
Twitter: @vsugradstudies

Contact us