Welcome Message

The world that we live in today is intertwined with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Yes! Our environment, our way of life, our economic and general wellbeing effectively depends on the unique contributions made by the various STEM disciplines as it provides the platform upon which theoretical, technical, mathematical, design, application decisions are made.

If you are technically inclined and are interested in the wide spectrum of options that the engineering technology profession provides, we warmly invite you to read further and browse our web pages for more insightful information. As you browse through, please remember that professionals within the various STEM areas need to quickly adapt to the ever-changing needs of the society that we live in. Therefore, life-long learning has become critical, as technological breakthroughs of today turn obsolete within only a few years of their launch.

Applied Engineering Technology graduates utilize acquired engineering, technological, mathematical and scientific knowledge combined with other technical skills to support engineering technology and all other business-related activities. Our department prepares you to be an application, theoretical and mathematically oriented engineer within the engineering and technology fields.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Engineering Technology prepares students for careers that encompass the application of basic science, mathematics and engineering principles, technological skills, and management practices using a systematic approach to solve complex technological problems. Through the combination of a rigorous curriculum and hands-on learning, students are prepared to enter a broad array of jobs in a variety of STEM-based disciplines. Applied Engineering Technology graduates have great career opportunities in all engineering technology fields that support manufacturing, healthcare, food production, building and construction, service sector, process design, quality control, project management, supply chain management, and other interdisciplinary areas.

Who We Are

Department of Applied Engineering Technology at the Virginia State University’s offers comprehensive undergraduate programs leading to the award of BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology and Information Logistics Technology. The department offers a Graduate Certificate program in Project Management and a certificate program in Enterprise Systems.